The ultrasound was taken at a little over 7 weeks. So it's definitely grown a bit since then. Our little one is currently the size of a medium olive (1 inch)! I LOVE OLIVES! Even now through the hurricane of nausea that I've been experiencing, Olives still are a-ok in my book.
What's that? You're worried about me and the nausea! Oh you know me well! I was TERRIFIED of this. Really I was, and still am. (For those of you who don't know, I have a huge phobia of vomit. Like curled up in a ball, crying in the corner, omg I'm dying phobia. Minus a couple alcohol induced incidents here and there, I haven't thrown up since the 6th grade. Mmmhmmm. Crazy right?) So when this process all started, my biggest fear was the whole first trimester, head-in-the-toilet gig. Just goes to show how much I really really really want this child if I was willing to take that risk. I'm happy to report that my head has not seen the inside of a toilet just yet. Cross your fingers it stays that way! However, that doesn't mean my little gummy bear hasn't taken me on the roller coaster that is morning sickness ride! Oh yes, nearly every day for the past ohhhhh 4 weeks, I've felt like I drank a whole bottle of Jose Cuervo the night before and was reveling in the hangover aftermath all day long.
And P.S., what incredibly intelligent individual decided that it would be cute to call it morning sickness?? Hmmm?? It's not morning sickness. It's ALL DANG DAY sickness. All. Day. Morning, noon, night, midnight, 4 am sickness. Oh and if I hear one more person tell me "they say it's good to have morning sickness! That means the baby is growing!" I'm going to shove a bottle of Jack Daniels down their throat and call them in the morning, "oh it's GREAT to be hungover! That means your body is just getting rid of the alcohol! Cheeseburger??"
Really though, I can't complain. Sure it's been a bit rough, but it could be worse. And I won't hide the fact that the sickness does bring a bit of comfort to me that yes, there really is something going on in my tummy. So I'll take it for now. But little gummy bear? Mommy can't wait to get to week 12! Then we can eat McDonalds again right? (I kid I mom would tie me to a stake and set a fire under my feet!
So there you guys have it. Looks like Paul & Sandy are actually growing their Plus 1. Keep your fingers crossed that everything continues to go well! We can't wait to make you all grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles! And gummy just did a back flip in agreement!
Hope to post again soon!
P.S. Paul is in AZ this weekend watching the Dodgers spring training with 9 million of his friends. All sporting mustaches. Oy. But I miss him terribly and I can't wait til he comes home. And I'd email him that so that he'd have a fun email to get when he comes home, but he's mr. techie and has all his emails sent to his phone, so I don't want to bug him while he's out there. Butttt...FROOTY! I MISS YOU!!! Hurry home! Your razor awaits! =) And gummy and I do too!
P.S.S. I just did a spell check and I spelled every right! WOW! I'm a genius! Ok bye!
Write more, write more, clap clap clap clap clap.
ReplyDeleteI wanna know all the ins and outs. I mean, you tell me daily. But it's also fun to read when you're not around. :)