Monday, December 29, 2008

And just like's over.

Well turns out that the first test might have been wrong. Or I may have just had a chemical pregnancy. Basically that just means that I momentarily (like for a day) was pregnant, and the egg didnt quite implant in my uterus, yet it was producing the hormone that pregnancy produces and I tested just in that brief moment. So my body was carrying the hormone even though I wasn't really pregnant. Apparently it happens in about 50% of pregnancies, so it's normal. I just tested too early.

Oh well! Back to the drawing board I guess. It will happen...we just have to be patient. I won't lie and say that I wasn't heart broken. Paul and I were so excited...we even toasted with Martinelli's. Even though I'm well aware of the fact that a lot of things can happen in the early stages, and that it's such a delicate process, I still was hopeful that this was it.

Anyway...we're still going to keep trying and hopefully I'll have a more upbeat post to write in the near future!

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