Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Update Fail

Yes, yes. It's been way too long since the last update. I'm sorry! Life has been crazy and I have been lazy =) The good thing is, we are not total and complete update slackers.

We have been taking our weekly belly shots. Not that I have any here with me that is, but some day I can post one. And at the very least, some day little Blank will see it's progress!

So where are we at? Tomorrow will be 19 weeks! MANGO! (I'll get to that later) WOAH! For those of you who are interested, at 19 weeks our little Blank is measuring about 7.5 - 8 inches in length from head to toe and is weighing in at about 8 ounces or so. Awww so teeny yet so NOT teeny. Get a ruler out...hurry quick. And measure that out! I'll wait.

SEE!! That's big! Considering my belly doesn't look like it's holding an 8 inch baby in it! That's so very surreal to me that there is a human that size inside of me right at this very instant! WOAH WOAH WOAH. Additionally, little Blank has been making itself be known too. I have been feeling little movements here and there for the last few weeks now. It's so comforting to know that it's in there moving around like that. Kinda like Blank is saying "I'm here mommy! See! BAM! (punch in the bladder!)" So cute! I'm already letting it walk all over me. And my intestines. I guess that's what life has in store for us for the next 18 years or so right?

The last month has been a really pleasant one so far. Aside from the normal fears and worries of a pregnancy, things have gone well. Yes I fear and yes I worry. Every little twinge, ache, and tug makes me wonder if everything is ok. What can I say, it's a motherly instinct? But then I try to think logically (and then I research, and then if the worry is THAT bad I call my doc) and the logic sometimes creeps itself back into my life. I need to start doing my Crunch Mama Yoga videos. Maybe that will relax me more? =)

Really though, I've been feeling great, I've actually been able to sleep, and my nausea is completely gone. I can't really ask for more for now! I would love to fast forward 21 weeks and be at the end of it all, but for now I'll enjoy the quiet for a little longer.

Next week will be a big week for us! Monday I'll have an appointment with my regular doctor, like normal. But then Thursday we have our big ultrasound! The best one of the group! They will tell us that day whether little Blank is a he or a she!! YAY! Both Paul & I are so excited! I really wish I could say I'm leaning towards thinking its one sex or another, but really I have no idea. I have no leanings in either direction. Perhaps because I really do find this all so surreal still? Who knows. But I think next week will really put things into perspective big time. Then it's on to decorating the room. I can't wait to start picking colors and furniture and all the cool stuff that goes along with that.

So back to our Mango. Mango huh? I really, really, really want to know where in the world they have 7.5 inch mangoes. Because I want to visit there and sit in a pile of ginormo mangoes and eat to my heart's content. I think the website where I get these fruit/veggie comparisons kind of got lazy with this fruit thing. Mango is not even close to what I had in mind. But whatever, I'll take it. It's still fun to see a new fruit every week. And mangoes are really yummy. So our little 19 weeker is a Mango.

Anyway, I guess I should end this now. Just wanted to update everyone as to where we were at. Feeling great, growing right, and enjoying the ride (bumps and all!). Hopefully Papa Levis will update soon too. HINT HINT!

And hopefully I won't be so lazy and update way sooner than a month from now. Good job friends for hinting on the update.


Paul, Sandy and Mango (not from SNL. The fruit. I guess that doesn't help to take away the SNL vision. The actual God created edible fruit. lol, how's that?)

P.S. Spell check says 'Mango' plural = mangoes, not mangos. I don't like it, but I'll follow what spell check says. Hmm I wonder if this spell check is British?

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