Monday, June 1, 2009

It's all downhill from here...

In a good way though. We're at 21 weeks! YAY! That means that we're further than half way through this pregnancy. So hopefully, from here on out, time will fly. Hopefully!

Wellll!!! We officially know what we're having!! And we're both so excited about it! But I won't mention the sex here, because Abuelo reads this blog and he still doesn't want to know what it is. He wants to wait until the baby is born so he can be surprised. So I'll do my duty and not mention it, though I'm pretty sure the whole wide world knows what we're having by now. Good luck to the person that spills the beans to him!

Aside from finding out if Blank is a boy or a girl, our ultrasound went great. Everything is continuing to grow as it should, all looks healthy, and Blank was swimming around perfectly. We saw it's arms, legs, eyes, mouth, ear (only one ear because Blank apparently felt like leaning up against my uterus on the other ear and wouldn't give us a peak), kidneys, liver, heart, toes, fingers, and it's bits. HA! Good times at the doctors office! We saw little Blank swallow some fluid just like it should be doing, which was way cool. And we saw it be shy for the camera....arm in front of it's face the whole way through. Apparently it doesn't like the paparazzi! All in all, everything looks great so far. We get one more peek on July 30th and then we wait til birth. As of right now, by the way, Blank is the size of a Banana! Awwww! How cute!

I'm still continuing to feel great, though I've caught a little cold. But this cold has been way easier than the last cold I had last month. I think this one is actually dwindling away nicely without the need for meds, phew! Other than that, I'm feeling like my old self again....with the added benefit of a basket ball under my clothes! I tell people that I don't necessarily feel any different that pre pregnancy, but then I walk in front of a mirror and I'm like "WOAH! Where did that come from!" For a split second I think I have to go on a diet...but then I realize, it's Blank doing it's thing!

Speaking of Blank doing it's thing...holy heck it's moving a lot! I feel it swimming and kicking every day. Blank tends to be most active from 6 pm to about bed time. Paul calls it "my time on the throne of laziness" aka our chaise on the couch. While I wish I could sit here and tell you that it's as comfortable as it used to be, it really hasn't been lately. But it does wonders for my swollen feet, so I continue to be lazy on the throne. I think sometimes Paul wants to pull his hair out from all the "relaxing" we're doing, but he's been a good sport about it and has let me be a lazy fat porker on the couch.

We decided to take a walk last we walked about 2.5 miles over to Aunt Bani's house. It was kind of challenging, but it felt great. If only I could get my tush off the couch more often, I'd do it nightly. But if you threw sitting on the throne of laziness vs. walking out to me, chances are thrones would win. =)

Anyway...things continue to progress nicely with this little bundle of joy. I'm hopeful that they will stay that way for at least 19 more weeks! We're both super excited to meet little Blank and we're super excited to get started on the nursery in the coming weeks. I'll post pictures of the progress on the blog once we get started. And yes, I'll actually post pictures, unlike my promise to post belly pictures....which I still promise I'll try to do soon =)

In the meantime, Blank, Paul & I thank you for continuing to read our story!


Paul, Sandy & Baby Blank...who's actually a boy or a girl now! YAY! I mean Banana, for now!

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