Friday, March 20, 2009

So, I have wanted to write on this blog for a while now, but I didn’t know what to say or where to start or what to write about? I just didn’t know what to tell people?

But than it hit me! Like most GREAT ideas that I have, it came to me in the shower! I was just lathering up my hair, when I realized that I wasn’t going to address all our adoring fans, but that I wanted to address the true reason behind this journal, Baby Levis!

What a GREAT idea! I mean, he/she is the star of the show! All eyes are on her/him! Plus this will be a great thing for us to share when he/she is old enough to read. With the way technology is going, our child will probably be born with a Blackberry and iPod in hand and I’ll be able to Twitter this to him/her. He/she will probably be like that little baby on the commercials!

Well, anyways, so here is my 1st journal entry to Baby Levis:

“Hi! It’s papa here! I know that you don’t know me yet, but I’m your dad and I’m SUPER excited to meet you! I can’t wait until I’ve got you in my arms. Both your mom and I are very excited to finally meet you. Your mom may not show it right now, because she isn’t feeling too good right now, but she is thrilled as well!

I just wanted to let you know that, even though, you are about the size of a lime (according to, you have changed my life! It’s crazy because we haven’t even met yet! It’s funny because you barely have fingers and toes and you have already made a huge impact on my life. You’ve already made me want to be a better person and I haven’t even seen your face! You truly are a gift…

Your mom and I absolutely can’t wait to see you! We are slowly preparing for your arrival (see we already consider you like a prince or princess)! You might be wondering why I am not giving you a definitive ‘He or She’? Well that’s because we don’t know what you’ll be yet? It’s just a little too early to tell, but it doesn’t matter because we love you regardless! See right there is one of those things that’s crazy to me…I love you and you’re not even a sex yet! Amazing, huh! ‘It’s mind-bottling…you know like when your thoughts get so heavy that they feel trapped in a bottle?’ Sorry, that’s a line from a Will Ferrell movie. You’ll probably hear a lot of those from me over the course of your life…I apologize early for that!

Back to my original thought…so your mom and I are waiting for you to be with us. I make sure that she is eating well and that she gets lots of rest! Like I said before, mom isn’t feeling the greatest right now, so we do a lot of relaxing when we can! We chill on the couch a lot and watch a lot of movies or TV. She seems to feel worse in the evening, so I just try to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Even though it’s against my nature to sit around, I love it because it keeps your mom feeling better and keeps you from swishing around in there. But for the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that you are starting to develop your own appetite because I am heading out to the grocery store a lot more for random items (ice cream, French fries, bagels, lemon moraine pie, Scooby Doo fruit snacks, Goldfish, Cheese-Its, etc.). You are definitely getting bigger and stronger and that is very exciting!!!!

Did I mention that we got a chance to see you? Yep, you were only like the size of a pea or a dime, I believe, but you were adorable already!!!! It was absolutely amazing! I actually almost cried when I saw you and I very rarely cry. Another one of those moments when you are like, ‘I’m about to cry over a mass of cells (technically),’ but you are definitely so much more than that! I know that everyone reading this will think I’m crazy, but I did see some resemblances already! Even though you looked like a little blob, you were beautiful! You even looked a little like your mom…beautiful in every way!!!!

I wanted to let you know that I’m going through a roller coaster of emotions right now. I’m excited and anxious, scared and thrilled, joyful and happy, but most of all I just can’t wait to have you in my arms. I know that everything will calm down once you are with us and you have nothing to worry about because I can definitely be your steady rock! I will be there for you when you are hungry or scared or need a shirt to spit up on! I’ve got a lot of plans for us, so please keep growing bigger and stronger for me!!!!

Well, I’m done for now, but I’ll be sure to write to you again, Baby Levis! I guess the last thing I’d like to say is ‘I love you’ and I can’t wait until we meet!

P.S. Here is a funny picture of your mom and I! I like it and it will let you know how AWESOME your parents are.


  1. Am I not the luckiest person in the whole world? I sure am! That's my wonderful husband ladies and gents!!! I <3 him!

  2. UGHHHh i just put my mascara on!!

    =) it was so beautiful! and i CANT WAIT for this gorgeous liddo baby to meet his stunner fabulous parents!! I think you are at the doctors now, crossing my fingers for a new pic!!


  3. This is one of the sweetest things I have ever read. What a lucky lucky baby to have such amazing parents.

  4. Dear Paul,

    You are officially hired to write to my baby when I'm pregnant, k? I don't care if it's weird.


    Your favorite Emo
